Thursday, April 25, 2013

Important News from Argentina

Dear Prayer Partners,

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of you for your fellowship in the gospel.."

These words from the pen of the Apostle Paul express my thoughts as I fly this afternoon to Santiago, Chile for our next field visit. Would you rejoice with me on what The Lord has done for us! We left Canada less than a week ago not sure of what would happen here. Our National Leadership Coordinator had a series of potential team members lined up for David Ruiz and I to interview. By the end of yesterday we were able to confirm God's calling to on 5 people.

The greatest challenge facing this team is importation of the shoeboxes. Pray specifically that the team would find a "non-government organization" that has the ability to import things into the country. Also, they are trying to get into have meetings with government officials since these are the people who have the last word on the issue.

David Ruiz and I are now in Chile. We are meeting with a woman tomorrow who has great experience with Operation Christmas Child in the U.S. and now lives in Santiago. Then Friday night and Saturday morning we are having vision casting meetings. Please pray that we would have a good selection of people from which to draw to reinitiate the ministry here.

Thanks again for standing with us! I will keep you informed as things develop.

For God's Glory,


Juan Pablo Bongarra, Host of "The Open Door" with David Ruiz (grey hair) Cristian Franco, new  NLT Argentina Co-ordinator

Argentina NLT

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Finch Insider Prayer Team: South America Tour April-May 2013

Dear Prayer Team,

     Our Lord loves children! You know that. Remember when the followers of Jesus thought that kids were getting in the way and hence being a bother to him?  In one of the most interesting exchanges between our Lord and his followers, he tells them, "Hey, guys, get out of the way and let the kids hang around me for a while." Kids loved being with Jesus, they loved to hear him teach and they loved him because He loved them.  Did you know that is still true today?

     I am sure that most of you first heard about Jesus when you were a child.  Statistics tell us that the majority of Christ-followers made a decision for the Lord when they were under 13.  How wonderful it would be if we were to look at kids with the heart of Jesus!  Operation Christmas Child is about sharing the love of God with children in tangible ways while we share the good news of the gospel of Christ.  God is changing the lives of children all around the world through of OCC.

     A few weeks ago, I had the enormous privilege of attending Global Connect. This meeting of Operation Christmas Child staff and volunteers brought together people from 102 countries! We were celebrating the gifting of 100 million shoe boxes! Or, 100 million gospel opportunities in which kids heard the message of the gospel! Watch the video here: 100 Million Shoe Boxes

   This conference reminded me of the world wide impact this ministry has. That is why you are so important to me! Without your prayers, my efforts are in vain.  I need you more than ever.  Would you commit to begin to pray for me in the next 2 weeks especially as I visit 4 countries? Here is my schedule and how you can pray:

Argentina: April 21-24
1. Recruiting new National Leadership Team to lead the ministry. We have a team leader for whom we are thankful to the Lord.
2. Meetings with key leaders with the Argentina Bible Society and hopefully with government officials to expedite the importation of boxes.

Chile April 25-28
1. Recruiting new National Leadership Team to lead the ministry. We are starting from scratch here, so we will be holding vision casting meetings to begin the process.

Paraguay April 28-May 1
1. Reviewing the first season of ministry this team has had.
2. Encouraging and teaching the team as well.

Uruguay: May 1-May 4
1. Reviewing the strategic plan for this team
2. Encouraging and teaching the team.

    Pray for myself and my colleague, David Ruiz, as we travel and interact with these wonderful servants of God. It is our heart's desire to be a blessing to them and to encourage them in this ministry. Thank you for praying. Would you take two seconds and let me know you are praying? I will communicate that to our teams and it will be very encouraging to me and them!

    Also,  please pray for Deb as I travel.  We are now empty nesters and so when I travel she is alone. Pray that God would bless and keep her during this time! You can drop her an email too at

God bless you, my friends, I appreciate your fellowship in the Gospel!

Operation Christmas Child Canada- South American Team Leaders