Monday, July 9, 2012


Dear Friends, In E.M. Bounds book, “The Necessity of Prayer”, the author states, “When we pray, “Give us this day our daily bread,” we are, in a measure, shutting tomorrow out of our prayer. We do not live in tomorrow but in today. We do not seek tomorrow’s grace or tomorrow’s bread. They thrive best, and get most out of life, who live in the present. They pray best who pray for today’s needs, not for tomorrow’s…” God presently is blessing our lives with the privilege of serving the church in Latin America through Operation Christmas Child and Samaritan’s Purse. We feel so humbled to travel and interact with Pastors and church leaders who desire to reach the children of their nation with the gospel of Christ. How blessed we are!

In the last couple of months we have made visits to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. In Argentina, my co-worker David Ruiz and I were interviewed on a Christian television program in which we were invited to share the vision of Operation Christmas Child. On that program the viewers were invited to send us inquiries through email. It is very evident from those emails that there is great interest across the country from churches to become involved in the ministry. We also met with 17 people who also have expressed interest to participate. Please pray that God will give us wisdom as we develop a National Leadership Team to carry out the ministry in Argentina. There are many obstacles that we are facing there from a governmental point of view but we are confident that the Lord will enable us to overcome.

In Paraguay we were assigned the task of naming a new National Leadership Team. I had a particular challenge in even getting into the country as I needed a visa to enter. I did not know that and so showed up at the Buenos Aires airport ready to board the plane but could not because of the visa problem. I spent the next day running around the city trying to get a visa and rescheduling my flight. Thankfully it was all resolved and I was able to get to AsunciĆ³n. We spend the next few days interviewing candidates and with much prayer we were able to name a team before we left the country. Please pray for this team as they get up and running. David and I are scheduled to return in September and participate in their team retreat to encourage them and to develop a strategic plan for the next few years.

Dedicating new NLT Coordinator

Our Uruguayan team is also facing some changes. Our National Team Coordinator was wearing many hats and so we needed to relieve some of the stress he was under. God went before us and has been preparing another team member to take the Coordinator’s mantel as we move forward. The team was challenged to develop more Regional Teams to expand the ministry more aggressively. This team accepted the challenge and is moving forward with this initiative.

Family wise we are doing very well. God has led us to a local church where we feel comfortable and are growing in the Lord. It is really tough, tougher than it appears, to go from the pulpit to the pew. But we have developed some good relationships with our small group and are beginning the process of becoming members of the church.

We discovered where Spruce Meadows is located and have been there a couple of times enjoying the equestrian events there as well as the summer weather. Deb and Erin are both gainfully employed. We are enjoying the summer weather (finally arrived in Alberta, we thought it would never get here!). Thank you for praying for us! God has been faithful. We are learning much about our walk with God, our work for God, and the wonder of knowing Him. It is a privilege to serve Him where He has called us to be. If we can pray for you or be an encouragement to you we would love to hear from you.

Serving the Lord for His glory, 
Bill and Deb Finch
Home: 587-360-0030
Office: 1-800-663-6500 ext. 8613