Thank you for your willingness to uphold this ministry in prayer. We know that without prayer nothing on God's agenda will succeed. You have been an important part of my life and ministry and for that reason I am so glad that I can share with you some things that are personal and close to my heart.
Let me share with you what my ministry is all about, in case you are unaware. I am sure you are familiar with the domestic side of Operation Christmas Child, your church probably collects these boxes every year. You perhaps have packed several yourself over the years. My ministry has to do with the international side of the ministry. I colaborate with National Leadership Teams in the distribution of shoe boxes to needed kids. But it is much more than meeting the physical needs of children, it has to do with meeting their spiritual needs. At every distribution event the gospel of Jesus Christ is shared clearly. For that reason we say that every shoe box that is packed is a gospel opportunity.
On this trip to Paraguay and Argentina, I will be working with brand new National Leadership Teams. In the case of Paraguay, the last trip I made there we interviewed candidates and named people to the 6 positions that comprise that team. On this trip we will begin the process of training this team to receive boxes, hold distribution events and to disciple those kids who make a decision for Christ.
In the case of Argentina, we are consolidating a new team. The meetings that we will have there from September 9-13 will be for the purpose of recruiting people to form that team.
Here are some prayer requests:
1. For safety as I travel today, I leave Calgary at 5:00pm Mountain Time and arrive in Paraguay tomorrow at 4:15pm local time there.
2. We will begin our retreat with the new team in Paraguay starting Thursday going through to Saturday.
3. Also pray that the Lord will use me to encourage our new team in Paraguay.
4. Also, pray that I would have alertness and sensetivity as I lead the retreat.
5. For the Paraguay team as the assimiliate all the material that we will share with them over the next few days
6. For my co-workers, David and Pablo, as they lead different seminars.
I will be sending more prayer requests as things move along over the next few days. Thank you again for joining together with me in this wonderful ministry.
Your Co-Worker in Christ,
Bill Finch
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