This week as I prepare for my next ministry trip, God has place me the classroom to learn some new lessons all over again. Specifically, He is teaching me to point vertically! How often I get caught up in the horizontal issues of life and neglect the vertical. I read this morning about the transcendence and awesomeness of our God from Psalm 8, "When I look at your heaves, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man you care for him." God is so above us, so transcendent, so awesome that we lose out when we refer to him as "the man upstairs"! He is so greater than that! Our mission is wrapped up in calling the nations to join us in worshipping our Great King!
In service for the King we continue our South American tour as we visit Venezuela and Chile. Both of these countries have been involved with Operation Christmas Child for 10 years. They both have been used by the Lord to reach 100s of children for the Lord. My mission, then, is to get to know these teams better and understand their needs and how I can serve them. I will be leaving this Sunday, September 23th and returning on October 3rd. Here is my exact schedule so you can be praying for that:
Sunday, Sept. 23rd Leave Calgary @ 7:00am Arrive Toronto 12:44pm
Leave Toronto @ 16:25 Arrive Caracas 21:10

1) This will be my first time ever in this country, pray for wisdom in picking up things I should and should not do there.
2) Pray for wisdom for me as I meet with the National Leadership Team and help them be more effective as they move forward. My colleague, David Ruiz, will be joining me so that will help me a lot learn about the team.
3) Pray that I would leave the 'fragrance of Christ' with the team. I want to help each person grow in their personal relationship with the Lord.
I leave for Chile on Wednesday night-Thursday morning, it is a long flight with a connection and a bit of a layover in Lima, Peru. I will forward you prayer items for our time in Chile later next week.
Thank you for being a part of my prayer team! It is awesome to join together to see God work in our and through us in these days. If I can pray for you please do not hesitate to let me know, I have lots of time on planes and in airports to pray for you!
Your Servant for God's Glory,
Bill Finch
We're on your side, brother Bill. The Lord will give you insight with respect to the cultural idiosyncrasy in each country. Just don't boast about your Argentinian bias when you're in Chile!!!