Monday, October 14, 2024

Under Construction

Under Construction

I just did a quick browse of all the churches, ministries, and places we have been blessed to serve in over the years. In one sense it is very embarrassing and not a good track record. On the other hand, I thank God for his grace that has sustained us along the way!

We have served in Latin America having learned Spanish and adapting to Argentina culture as well as teaching at a Bible College South Texas (Rio Grande Bible College). We have also served as Pastor/Associate Pastor in 4 cities in Canada. Thank the Lord for that amazing privilege! To God be the glory, great things he has done!

Having served God for so many years and in so may places, I have come to a few conclusions:

  1. Ministry is about connecting people with the Lord!

I learned from a wise old professor years ago that ministry is not about me, it is all about connecting people with the Lord! If we fail to do that, then we have failed!

2. Ministry focuses on who God is!

We live in a world we so many competing voices that it is not easy for even the most devoted Christian to eliminate the “noise” of the world and seek the Lord. But if we fail to direct our attention to who God is and his power to change our lives, then we have really missed the mark!

3. Practicing Spiritual Disciplines is Imperative

The Bible nowhere teaches us to do certain things in order to gain salvation! It is not in the Book! But, many times we are admonished to pray, to read the Word, to congregate with God’s people and to love and care for each other. These are called “spiritual disciplines” and the more we make them an active part of our daily walk, the more we will adopt the mindset of godliness! That mindset is what we strive for every day! We long to be more conformed to the person of Christ in our daily basis. BUT, that lifestyle does not come easy! It requires spiritual discipline to say “yes” to somethings, and “no” to that which hinders us.

Final Thoughts

Wherever I have had the privilege of serving, South America, English Speaking Quebec, Alberta, or Southern Ontario, believers all have the need to continue to grow in Jesus! I have not met one who has completely arrived, we are all “under construction!” Let’s strive together to become all that God desires us to be for his glory!

God bless,

Pastor Bill